
Resume for Freshers: How to Write a Winning First Resume - riseupedu.com

Resume for Freshers: How to Write a Winning First Resume

Resume for Freshers: As mentioned above, the first resume writing should include how to write a winning first resume.

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Beginning your working experience may be quite exhilarating and tiring for some individuals at the same time. Another common issue among the newbies is knowing how to make a resume for the first time. Ever said to yourself that your resume is the ticket to that dream job, then you need to get it right. This article will take you through the process of creating your first successful resume and outline the basic structure that you may use to get started.

A resume refers to a brief and structured written document that highlights a person’s educational background, work experience and accomplishments as well as participating in an interview.

Resume is not only the summary of workplaces or jobs and your list of achievements. In general, it is the self- representation of the applicant and the potential of the person in terms of the workplace. When applying for a job there could be hundreds of people sending in CVs, so your CV has to be noticed. Really, a good resume is a key to be invited for the interview or to remain unnoticed by the employer.

Measures to Follow When Writing the First Resume

1. First and foremost, make sure that you have a really good header.
Your resume should begin with the header line that contains, at the minimum, your full name. This entails your name in full, your phone number, your email address, and your LinkedIn id, (where applicable). Check your contact information to make sure that they reflect your current status and look businesslike.

2. Objective Statement: Creating an Engaging Call to Action
The objective statement is the short text, placed at the top of the resume, which explained to the employer what you want and what you can offer them. Freshers it’s your chance to do a little ‘I want to learn’ and ‘I am willing to work here’ act.

Example: “(E) Graduate with motivation and detailed orientation holding a degree in [Your Degree] seeking a job at the entry level in [Industry] with a passion to use labor and analytical skills in [Industry] for the [Company Name].

Emphasize on Your Education As is expected of any fresher, there is no better selling point than your level of education. Start with your most recent degree and include the name of the college or university, date of graduation and any academic achievements.


Computer Science, XYZ University, 2024, BSc.
Relevant Coursework: Information structures, Web Development and Database.
Intervals of Internship and Volunteering In cases of little work experience, internship, and volunteering should also be included. All of these experiences show that you will be able to manage yourself professionally and the commitment you have towards the area of interest that you choose.


Marketing Intern at the ABC Company duration of service June 2023 to August 2023
Helped in developing social media messages, as well as identifying markets and drawing conclusions on campaign successes and failures.
Market Your Strengths It is important to demonstrate all the skills that are typical to the position that you are applying for. These may be tangible skills that may include coding languages, and the ability to use certain types of software or intangible skills such as the ability to speak with others, the ability work with a group among others.


Technical Skills: Python, Java, Microsoft Excel
Soft Skills: Skills such as communication, problem solving skills, organisational time skills.
Include any certifications or Awards if you have some It is important to insert the certifications or the awards that one had been awarded in the résumé. You can be selected for some of these awards and that can make you stand out from the other candidates.


Google Analytics Certified, 2023
Dean’s List, XYZ University, Fall – Spring, 2022.
Spelling Check Be sure to spell check before you send the resume out to the market. One can easily escape the row of favorites when your resume is full of orthographical and grammatical mistakes. It is also recommended to get some feedback from a friend or a mentor should be sought regarding the resume that could have been written previously.

Fresher Resume Template
Here’s a basic template you can use to create your first resume:



Your Name

[Phone Number] | [Email Address] | [LinkedIn Profile]


[Write a brief statement about your career goals and what you can offer the employer.]


Bachelor of [Your Degree]
[University Name], [Year of Graduation]
Relevant Coursework: [Course Name 1], [Course Name 2]


[Job Title], [Company Name], [Start Date] – [End Date]
– [List your responsibilities and achievements here]


Technical: [List your technical skills here]
Soft: [List your soft skills here]


[Certification Name], [Year]


[Award Name], [Year]


Writing a resume when you are a fresher might sound daunting, but with the following pointers, you can easily come up with a good resume which will market you as the best candidate. Make sure to apply for each job with your updated resume and don’t be dishearten if you can’t get a job immediately. Just polish up that resume, get some experience and continue sending out applications for new jobs. In other words, do not give up so early but keep on searching for the right job vacancy that would mark the beginning of your career.

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