
Russian Putin’s Bold Plan: Using Russians into Increasing Birth Rate during Working Breaks - riseupedu.com

Russian Putin’s Bold Plan: Using Russians into Increasing Birth Rate during Working Breaks

Russian Putin’s Bold Plan:

During a recent press briefing Russian President Vladimir Putin has presented a new and rather unorthodox strategy for the increase of birth rate in Russia proposing citizens make love during their lunch hours. ; This policy, as reported by This policy, as reported by Metro. Of that number, co. uk is just part of the wider strategy to solve a demographic problem affecting Russia.

In a statement about the initiative, Putin stressed on its significance stating, ‘The preservation of the Russian people is our highest national priority,’ The fate of Russia, the future…. it depends on how many of us there will be…It is a question of national importance’. The situation has been worsened by the Ukrain crisis which has led to emigration of over one million youth from Russia. Another interesting mode of concerning ‘Work Breaks for Family Planning’ is as follows:

This contest is as follows: The one of the main principles of Putin’s new policy is to invite couples with a proposal to think about starting a family during work vacations. This idea is also favoured by Russia’s Health Minister – Dr. Yevgeny Shestopalov and he does not accept the argument that people’s packed work schedules should justify childlessness. “You can have children during breaks,” he said, to dismiss worries over extended hours of work.

Other Measures to increase Births More Measures taken to increase Births
The above policy is only one of the strategies Russia is using to try to ‘populate’ the country. In Moscow, women are given free tests in order to diagnose potential problems in fertility at an early stage.

At the same time, MP Tatyana Butskaya has introduced a bill which envisions compulsory monitoring of the birth rates among the employees and their obligative reporting by employers as the subsequent step to increase the work-family compatibility and yearly birth rates.

In Chelyabinsk region women are being paid to have the first child at all. At the same time there are attempts to limit availability of abortions as part of the measures to increase the population growth rate. Higher cost of divorce has also been adopted to decrease on separations, while role models and heads of church advocate for multiplicity of children.

A National Priority
The government of Russia has identified the situation of reduced birth rate as a problem of high importance to the country. Using the incentives to companies, tax preferences, and social protection of families with children, Putin’s administration targets to achieve that. However, these measures have raised controversy among some of the citizens as they ask questions as to whether or not such approaches can work, and whether they are ethical.

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